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title. 對話2005升級版.Dialogue 2005 upgraded


Duration: 60 min

Concept/Director: Tian Gebing

策劃:張興傑 姜永泉 舒陽
Producer: Zhang Xingjie , Jiang Yongquan, Shu Yang

樂澀舞蹈:王婭婻 王玫 費波 張興傑

Dancers: Wang Yanan, Wang Mei, Fei Bo, Zhang Xingjie
對話者:周勍 豪衝

Speakers: Zhou Qing, Hao Chong

COS-PLAY:顧城 彭飛 安捷 小司 黃傑明 姜均 喬文彬 李麟秀琦

COS-PLAY: Gu Cheng, Peng Fei, An Jie, Xiao Si, Huang Jieming, Jiang Jun, Qiao Wenbin, Lilin Xiuqi


Live Music: Zhang Yang


Live Video: Chen Xiongwei

Light Installation: Wang Wei

Stage Manager: Gu Mingwen
劇照:黃大智,Ricky Wong

Photographer: Huang Dazhi, Ricky Wong




This work is designed as a ‘one-off’ performance. The audience is located in the central space surrounded by performance.

Performance starts from a conversation about food safety and a love story narrated by an American woman speaking in Chinese.

This is a dance theatre piece composed by memories, emotions, and the vocabulary used in daily life, public environment, poetry and dialogues.  


Dialogue is presented as an open structure across the time and space, manufacturing the public safety and personal relationships of the 60s generation; the specific kind of love and hurt of the 70s generation and the landscape of consumption of the 80s generation all together through a violent fashion. In this way, we are able to create a ‘multi-layered’ and ‘multi-contexted’ ‘total theatre’ featured with COS-PLAY, modern dance, installations and live improv-music… 

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