“母语在哪里?它与我们在一起,它像我们一样,它是我们的手指,它是我们对世界的脸” (张枣)。而“她的脸”,在这里是一个被多语言多声调整形的脸。镜框碎掉,肖像瘫软,水银泻出,流向柏林冬天的一个一个房间和人家。那些无以安放的诗将“流亡般”走进去,“所有的门都打开了,所有的门都关闭了”……
一、《云母语》2022年11月12日 19:30
二、《无人玫瑰》2022年12月3日 19:30
三、《可持续的猫》2022年12月18日 19:00
四、《假定聚会》2023年1月8日 13:00
五、《共享的子宫》2023年1月14日 19:30
六、《散落的空间》2023年2月10日 19:30
七、《孔雀之肺》2023年2月11日 19:00
八、《倾听》2023年2月12日 17:00
展览 2023年3月29日周三 - 4月2日周日
闭幕表演《哈哈镜》2023年4月1日周六 19:00
1. Ebersstraße, Berlin Schöneberg
2. Immanuelkirchstraße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
3. Legiendamm, Berlin Kreuzberg
4. Immanuelkirchstraße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
5. Eberswalder Straße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
6. Marienburger Straße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
7. Winsstraße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
8. Kreuzbergstraße, Berlin Kreuzberg
展览及闭幕表演:水窖空间(小水窖), Belforter Straße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
制作 纸老虎工作室、比亚河工作站
Her Face
Theatre about diasporic poetry, disappearance and hauntological reoccurrence
‘My death will be mine alone. Once one passes the door, one cannot transfer even any experience at all to others. (Auch mein Tod wird allein meiner sein, ich kann ihn nicht abgeben oder austauschen; ist die Schwelle einmal überschritten, kann ich nicht einmal mehr irgendeine Erfahrung davon anderen vermitteln.)‘ (Susanne Gösse). How can the untransferable dreams and myths be celebrated again, when ‘death’ interrupts the game of ‘life’? Endless piles of paper rise, as do endless fragments of words and luminescent poetry. The act of ‘translating’ produces linguistic friction, as well as bled wounds. There opens a fugitive path where German, Chinese and more languages are connected, ‘on a merry-go-round of tortured and bleeding words’, producing delirium and joy of disorientation.
‘Where is the mother tongue? It is with us, it is like us, it is our finger, it is our face to the world (Zhang Zao).’ ‘Her face’ is a face that has gone through multilingual and polyphonic surgery. The frame shatters, the portrait collapses, and mercury cascades on the floor, into individual rooms and households in this Berlin winter. The linguistic rubbles of poetry that have remained restless enter the rooms as if exiled. ‘All doors open. All doors close’ …
In this performance series, situations will contextualise each other and resonate with each other, exposing and concealing the inherent ‘theatre’ mechanism in the topography of everyday urban life. A mixture of nonfictional and fictional: private alchemy, family events, bathtub ballet, culinary eroticism, pensive reading, private parade, paranormal solo concert, toxic imaginary autobiography, etc. All stories depart from the texts left behind by a Berlin resident. The series collect fragments of poetry by Hölderlin, Celan and the Chinese exile poet Zhang Zao, who lived in Tübingen, thereafter gifted them - to eight families in Berlin, to the kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms. Eight or more homes will be transformed temporarily into theatre. The coming spring, these theatre situations will be collected and sculpted into the ruined walls of the 'adjacent' Zeithof (Wasserspeicher).
This is another transcultural performance project by Paper Tiger and Kunstrbetrieb Birach on the free theatre scene, in the aftermath of the pandemic. ‘Theatre’ will wander as an exiled spectre between the urban, historical and cultural spaces of Otherness. Celan once described, one / bowstring / spreads its pain among you (die Eine / Sehne / spannt ihren Schmerz unter euch).
1. Cloud Tongues 12.11.2022
2. No One's Rose 03.12.2022
3. Sustainability Cat 18.12.2022
4. A Get-together 8.1.2023
5. A Shared Womb 14.1.2023
6. Scattered Space 10.2.2023
7. Peacock's Lungs 11.2.2023
8. Listening 12.2.2023
Exhibition 29.3.2023 - 2.4.2023
*Vexing Mirrors, finissage performance 1.4.2023
1. Ebersstraße, Berlin Schöneberg
2. Immanuelkirchstraße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
3. Legiendamm, Berlin Kreuzberg
4. Immanuelkirchstraße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
5. Eberswalder Straße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
6. Marienburger Straße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
7. Winsstraße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
8. Kreuzbergstraße, Berlin Kreuzberg
Exhibition&performance: Kleiner Wasserspeicher, Belforter Straße, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
Realised by Paper Tiger and Kunstbetrieb Birach
Supported by Neustart Kultur #Prozessförderung (Fonds Darstellende Künste)

导演 田戈兵 Martin Gruber
舞美/编舞 王亚男
剧构 刘超 Alexander Wagner
服装/化妆 林雪姿 강지은(康智恩)
声景/音响 Pablo Gimenez Arteaga
导演助理 李靖雯
舞美助理 Aline Suter
摄像/剪辑 王长鹏 佟心 蒋丁丁
文宣 周珈羽 Johannes Paul Richter, Anna Maria Wieder
平面设计 陈雄伟
制作 于潇
执行制作 李靖雯
监制 王亚男
表演 白小云 刘超 Hannah Luise Jäkel 王亚男
表演 史湘芸 Bad Sascha (Саша Половинська), Nazar Fedorenko 田原上
表演 所有在场人员
表演 Daniela Seelig-Kreis, Dr. Andreas Seelig, Natali Seelig、林雪姿、公寓主人和客人
表演 Micha Stella, Marco Colocci, Matilda Flor Usinger, Laurent Jeanneau, Jonathan Applebaum, 李靖雯
表演 Valentina Bordenave, Thomas Mayer
表演 Meike Rötzer, Maren Schlüter, 谢雨晨, 刘超
Director Tian Gebing, Martin Gruber
Scenography/Choreography Wang Yanan
Dramaturgy Liu Chao, Alexander Wagner
Costume/Make-up Ophelia Lam Suet Chi, Kang Jieun
Soundscape/Music/Audio Engineering Pablo Gimenez Arteaga
Director Assistant Li Jingwen
Stage Assistant Aline Suter
Camera/Editing Wang Changpeng, Tong Xin, Jiang Dingding
Publicity Stephanie Zhou Jiayu, Johannes Paul Richter, Anna Maria Wieder
Graphic Design Chen Xiongwei
Production manager Yu Xiao
Project manager Li Jingwen
Admin supervisor Wang Yanan
Episode 1/8 Cloud Tongues
With Hannah O’Flynn, Liu Chao, Hannah Luise Jäkel, Wang Yanan
Episode 2/8 No One's Rose
With Oleksandra Shrestkha, Bad Sascha (Sasha Polovynska), Nazar Fedorenko, Tian Yuanshang
Episode 3/8 Sustainability Cat
With Everyone present
Episode 4/8 A Get-together
With Daniela Seelig-Kreis, Dr. Andreas Seelig, Natali Seelig, Ophelia Lam Suet Chi, the hosts and the guests
Episode 5/8 A Shared Womb
With Micha Stella, Marco Colocci, Matilda Flor Usinger, Laurent Jeanneau, Jonathan Applebaum, Li Jingwen
Episode 6/8 Scattered Space
With Valentina Bordenave, Thomas Mayer
Episode 7/8 Peacock's Lungs
With Meike Rötzer, Maren Schlüter, Xie Yuchen, Liu Chao
Episode 8/8 Listening
With Robyn Schulkowsky
images and impressions